Administrative Support According to Sears theory and its Relationship to Leadership Capability of Primary School Head teachers in Wasit Governorate
Caesar theory, administrative support, leadership ability, organizational justice.Abstract
The present research aims to identify the level of administrative support according to Sears 's theory among the head teachers of primary schools in Wasit Governorate, the center, as well as to identify the level of leadership capability among them. Then the correlation between administrative support and leadership capability is found .
The researcher uses the descriptive correlative approach as a means to reach the results of the research. As for the research community, it consists of teachers of the primary schools within Wasit Governorate, (3149) teachers. As for the research sample, it is chosen randomly, at a rate of (10%), and they are (315) in number . After providing all the requirements for preparing the two scales (administrative support according to Sears theory, which consists of the following three areas: (organizational justice - the behavior of the leader supporting subordinates - participation in decision-making). For each one of the above mentioned fields six items (statements) were put, and their total number came to be 18 items .The second scale was the scale of leadership capability which consists of the following three domains: use of power, flexibility and understanding others . For each domain , six statements were put and came to become 18 in number.
Afterwards, validity and reliability were conducted. The two scales became ready in their final form, and the researcher used appropriate statistical methods to achieve the objectives of his research such as, the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t-test for one sample , t-test for two independent samples and the Pearson correlation coefficient. The results of the research show the following: presence of administrative support among primary school head teachers , presence of leadership capability among primary school head teachers, and the existence of a correlation between administrative support and leadership capability among primary school head teachers. All the above mentioned results are based on the point of view of teachers within Wasit Governorate. Finally the researcher presents some conclusions ,recommendations and suggestions.
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