Electronic Positive Reincarnation a Comparative Study
Keywords: reincarnation, electronic, offer, modification, legal status, acceptance, information network.Abstract
The changing nature of contracting methods and the emergence of contemporary technology, in addition to the existence of legal principles such as the contractual freedom principle. Which is the foundation and pillar upon which the civil legal entity is constructed, aided in the development of legal facts inside the behaviour of individuals in their efforts to meet recurrent requirements. Among these occurrences is the reincarnation of the electronic offer. When the offer is presented via worldwide information networks and within a specific scope, the offeror may modify the offer in its whole, the sort of offer, its dimensions, and its price. Or it may intend a minor alteration. (modification in the type, shape, and dimensions of the display). Or, this change or modification may be made by the party to whom this offer or offer is directed for any reason with the approval of the offeror, in which case the offeror's legal standing changes and the first party becomes the accepting party. Individuals' needs are met through a combination of factors, such as taking into account the nature of interactions and simplifying treatments. In addition to the concept of speed in electronic transactions, other grounds include changes in prices and services, variations in the market, and other factors. Thus, these events occur in an electronic world that employs modern electronic technologies. The most major of these is the Internet, which has considerably aided in getting non-traditional contracts despite the geographical distance between the parties seeking to attain and meet their requirements that can be met with such contracts. Thus, these concerns have had a substantial impact on the nature of the consent element in this type of contract (offer and acceptance) in electronic transactions. Since its parties do not have an actual presence at a single meeting during the session, it convenes without their attendance. Therefore, one person is at a different location than the other, they are divided by geographical boundaries, and there may be a difference in legislation and language between them.
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