An Assessment of Interpreting Legal Inquisition Discourse at Iraqi Governmental Institutions


  • Rese. Nada Kadhim Dakhil Department of Translation College of Arts University of Basrah
  • Prof Zeineb Sami Hawel Department of Translation College of Arts University of Basrah



legal language , types of legal language, importance of legal language, requirements of legal language, characteristics of legal language.


The current study attempts to examine the productivity of legal interpreters in rendering the information from Arabic into English  language and vice versa of legal inquisition discourse. It proposes that even though legal interpreters are obliged to convey the legal discourse faithfully and accurately. However, several factors influence the interpreter’s productivity which, in turn, provides an inaccurate or unrelated statement. In order to test the validity of the hypothesis of this study, nineteen videos have been analyzed, recorded at Iraqi governmental institutions, e.g. Basrah Federal Appeal Court and Basrah International Airport. These renderings are analyzed according to Daniel Gile’s (2009) Effort Model and Alessandra Riccardi’s (1999) Error Analysis.


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How to Cite

Nada Kadhim Dakhil , R., & Zeineb Sami Hawel, P. (2024). An Assessment of Interpreting Legal Inquisition Discourse at Iraqi Governmental Institutions. Lark, 16(2 pt1).