Unconditional self-acceptance Management of Emotions and their relationship to straight thinking The students of the College of Basic Education


  • Asst. Prof Dr Tair Fadel Al-Dabbagh University of Kufa, College of Basic Education




unconditional self-acceptance, emotion management, straight thinking, college students


The aim of the research is to identify the level of unconditional self-acceptance and emotional management and their relationship to straight thinking among students of the College of Basic Education, University of Kufa, as well as statistically significant differences according to gender (male-female) and the four academic levels. The unconditional self-acceptance scale was used in its final form (17) items, the emotional management scale in its final form (11), and the straight thinking scale was used as an ending item (12) items. The results showed that students of the Arabic language department enjoyed unconditional self-acceptance in a positive way. And there is an effect of the gender variable and unconditional self-acceptance in favor of female students. There is an effect of the variable of the academic stage and unconditional self-acceptance in favor of the second stage. There is an interaction between gender and the school stage regarding unconditional self-acceptance. The existence of positive emotions management for Arabic language students from the College of Basic Education. There is an impact of the gender variable and the management of emotions for the benefit of male students. There is an effect of the variable of the school stage and the management of emotions in the four academic stages in favor of the second stage. There is an interaction between gender and the school stage with regard to managing emotions. There is an effect of the gender variable and straight thinking in favor of male students. There is an effect of the variable of the study stage and straight thinking in the four academic stages in favor of the second stage. There is an interaction between gender and the school stage with regard to straight thinking. And that male and female students, despite all the challenges of different situations, have a logical relationship between the three variables, that is, the higher their self-acceptance, the higher the rate of managing their emotions, and the more straight their thinking.


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Sociology & psy

How to Cite

Tair Fadel Al-Dabbagh, A. P. D. (2023). Unconditional self-acceptance Management of Emotions and their relationship to straight thinking The students of the College of Basic Education. Lark, 15(3 /Pt1), 449-404. https://doi.org/10.31185/lark.Vol2.Iss50.3033