The Effect of Analogy in Building Paradox in Andalusian Poetry - the Sixth Century AH as a Model


  • Assistant lecturer Ahmed Rafi Bedewi Habib المديرية العامة لتربية الانبار
  • Prof. Dr Latif Mahmoud Muhammad Al-Ghurairy College of Education for Human Sciences/University of Anbar



Paradox, simile, Andalusian poetry, analytical description


The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect that the paradox of analogy had on the Andalusian poetic text that was written in the sixth century AH. The paradox of analogy was one of the primary foundations that supported the construction of this text. Because the analogy depicts images that are almost as vivid and influential, we discover that Andalusian poets have married the impossible and the possible in a single artistic image. However, this is contingent upon the analogy being unique and drawing the attention of the recipient, which ultimately results in the recipient acquiring sufficient knowledge to comprehend the text and develop its literary characteristics. as well as cognitive. It relied on the analytical descriptive approach to reveal the dimensions of this paradox, as well as its implications and implications because this is the method that is the most appropriate for dealing with this artistic technique in this poetry. It is also the method that is the closest. As a result of our research, we have demonstrated the significance of the paradox of analogy in terms of its contribution to the enhancement of the poetic text in both form and content, as well as its role in evoking an emotional response and capturing the attention of the recipient.


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How to Cite

Ahmed Rafi Bedewi Habib, A. lecturer, & Latif Mahmoud Muhammad Al-Ghurairy , P. D. (2023). The Effect of Analogy in Building Paradox in Andalusian Poetry - the Sixth Century AH as a Model. Lark, 15(2), 211-192.