The extent of employing the dimensions of sustainable development in the Iraqi Ministry of Education from the point of view of its advanced cadres.


  • Dr. Maan Abdul Kadhim Naji Al-owaidy General Directorate of Education in Babil Governorate / Iraq



dimensions of sustainable development, the Iraqi Ministry of Education, advanced cadres


The current study aimed to identify the extent to which the dimensions of sustainable development are employed in the Iraqi Ministry of Education from the point of view of its advanced cadres. The study population consisted of advanced cadres in the Ministry of Education. In the study, the researcher used the descriptive approach, and through a questionnaire of the dimensions of sustainable development, a sample of (37) advanced cadres was selected in the directorates of Babel and Al-Qadisiyah Education, to achieve the objectives of the study, and after verifying its validity and reliability, it consisted of (51) items. The results of the study concluded that the social dimension came in a high degree with an arithmetic average of (3.57), followed by the environmental dimension with a medium degree with an arithmetic mean of (3.38), then the human dimension with an arithmetic mean of (3.36), and the technological dimension with an arithmetic mean of (3.35), and in the last place the economic dimension with an average My account (3.27), and this result was explained by the fact that the Ministry of Education cared in its curricula to encourage collective and cooperative work, exchange dialogue, respect the other opinion, respect the rights of others, and value love and brotherhood, and did not shed light effectively on the agricultural sector, economic, tourism and oil activities, and rarely focused in its curricula on diversity Economic and renewable energy investment..



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Sociology & psy

How to Cite

Maan Abdul Kadhim Naji Al-owaidy, D. (2023). The extent of employing the dimensions of sustainable development in the Iraqi Ministry of Education from the point of view of its advanced cadres. Lark, 15(3 /Pt1), 472-450.