Modelling the Primary Character in Abdullah Ibrahim's Autobiography - Biography (Amwaj)
structure, the main character, AutobiographyAbstract
Characters in autobiographies and altruistic biographies are genuine people. They are not fictitious in any way, as is the case with characters in other types of literary works. Therefore, the name that is published on the front cover of the biography is also the name of the person who is the subject of the biography. Following his words and actions, as well as his relationships with other personalities and his positions on events that took place or witnessed him in every stage of his formation. The study can establish a foundation upon which to construct Dr. Abdullah Ibrahim's personality. This foundation allows us to stand on building the personality of Dr. Abdullah Ibrahim.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Researcher Raghad Khudair Hassan Askar, Asst. Prof Dr. Mohammed Ridha Al-Awsi
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.