The Cognitive distortions in mentally gifted student in Baghdad
Cognitive distortions - Mentally gifted studentsAbstract
The current study aims to identify (cognitive distortions of outstanding Students) in Baghdad schools of outstanding students, and examine whether there is any evidence of cognitive distortions levels according to variables (gender, school stage). To achieve their goals, researchers used descriptive methods on a sample of (50) male and female students, of which (25) male students and (25) female students were deliberately selected from among the outstanding students. The research instrument is the constructed scale (Al-Alawi 2013). The scale consists of 42 items, results show that students have a high degree of cognitive distortions, and outstanding students have cognitive distortions, and showed that there is no statistical difference in the degree of cognitive distortions caused by gender-difference education. The results show that in the level of cognitive distortions, the variable gender and school level there is no interaction between them
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