Narrative Forms and the Novel's Triumph in "The Bookseller's Murder
Narrative genres, narrative contract, narration of images, diary literature, auto-fiction, novelAbstract
Conceivably the root of the duality of "reality and imagination" starts from the argumentative relationship between the mind and its perception and the objective reality that is personified outside the subject. Strips of objective understanding are taken as a measure of correct thinking, despite the prevailing intellectual belief now that the thinking subject is the one who determines the criteria of objective reality as a reality after the subject's perceptual conditions have been predetermined. A new awareness of the mind's relationship with reality was established with the accumulation of the works of philosophers of the nineteenth century. So reality turned from a personal and independent external existencethe mind struggles with its senses to contemplate, surround, and understand itto an imagined concept created by awareness and shaped by its own perceptions. This understanding appears in the novel Modern Polyphony, in which the real is intertwined with the imaginary, with a structure that allows the views to be presented in any artistic form but is governed by the narrative description so that the identity is formed from opposing visions, as is the reality on which the narration is based. The novel "The Murder of the Bookseller," which fools its readers with its realism, succeeds as a forced choice to join that diaspora, with all its contradictions and presents it as an experiment about human identity.
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