Iraqi News Websites' Use of Community Solutions Journalism Approach in Addressing the Issue of Unemployment"An Analytical Study"
Keywords: media employment, news websites, solutions journalism, unemployment..Abstract
The study aimed to identify the Iraqi news websites' use of the community solutions journalism approach in addressing the unemployment issue, by identifying the form and content of this treatment using the descriptive and analytical survey method on four Iraqi websites, Its most notable results were:
The most important causes of unemployment in Iraq are due to (political, administrative and financial corruption) , then (weak economic performance and low domestic production), while (supporting investment in small and medium enterprises) was the most important possible solution to the problem of unemployment, then came second category (fighting the corrupt and limiting their role in state institutions) and (interesting in developing agriculture).
The category (official sources) emerged as the most prominent source of solution to the unemployment problem at a rate of (44.5%), and the category (the press representative) came first in the media sources with a percentage of (51.8%).
In the category of journalistic treatment form, (news report) ranked first in addressing the problem of unemployment with a rate of (48.1%), while (press investigation) came in the last rank, and the study also indicated that (38.5%) of the headlines used (does not reflect solutions to the problem), and that (31.3%) of them (not related to the problem of unemployment).
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Copyright (c) 2022 lecturer,Dr. Ahmed Mawlood Ahmed Alhayali
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