The effect of the visual education strategy) on academic qualification of secondary school students. (Dhi Qar Education Directorate as a module


  • Lect. Muthanna Falih Hassan Thajil Ministry of Education, General Directorate of Education Dhi Qar



visual education strategy, regular education strategy, achievement, direction)


The Goal of the research entitled (The effect of the visual education strategy on academic qualification of secondary school students. (Dhi Qar Education Directorate as a module)) is:

To know the effect of the visual education strategy on academic qualification of 2nd class of secondary school students).                                                                

To achieve the goal of the research, Null hypothesis is drafted as following:-  

There are no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.05) in academic qualification due to the direct and independent education strategies (the experimental group that studies using the independent and direct education strategies). The control group that studies using the usual method of teaching Arabic.                                                                                             

-To achieve the goal of the current research, a sample of (90) students was adopted for a community consisting of (300) students distributed over (6) middle schools (The 2nd class of secondary school).                                                  

- To answer the question of the research problem. Statistical analysis was used to treat the results, as in the research tool represented by the pre and posttest. The validity of the tool was confirmed after it was presented to a group of arbitrators, and then the tool's stability coefficients were found by applying the Couder-Richardson equation.                                                                                          

- The results of the statistical analysis related to the basic null hypothesis showed that (there are statistically significant differences at the level (0.05) in student academic qualification due to the direct and independent education strategy), thus rejecting the null hypothesis and accepting the alternative hypothesis.                                                                                                                           

- The results of the statistical analysis also showed the presence of statistically significant differences in favor of the independent education  as a main strategy  and the direct education strategy as second rate  , compared with the results related to the application of the regular education method - thus rejecting the null hypothesis and accepting the alternative hypothesis.                                        

- The accompanying analysis of variance (ANCOVA) and Scheffe's equation were used to compare the students' marks.


اولاً: المصادر العربية

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ثانيا : المصادر الاجنبية

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Miscellaneous research

How to Cite

Muthanna Falih Hassan Thajil, L. (2022). The effect of the visual education strategy) on academic qualification of secondary school students. (Dhi Qar Education Directorate as a module. Lark, 14(5), 1185-1160.