A study of the social dimensions in the novel "Dust 1918 AD" by Faten El-Mur


  • د. نعيم عموري Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, IRAN
  • Dr. Mahmood Abdanan Mehdizadeh Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz- Ahvaz-Iran
  • Researcher GHassan saber kadem Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz- Ahvaz-Iran




Keywords: criticism, social method, novel, dust, 1918 AD.


Negative behaviors and social phenomena that establish violence are, in fact, coercively imposed on the Levantine society, and they contradict the morals and stereotypical foundations formed historically. An inherent social aspect that may be left behind by colonialism and tyrannical authority, as we cannot imagine the writer writing in isolation from his society. It is only a reciprocal relationship, and both affect the other. Literature is a final outcome that brings together societal, psychological, historical, cultural and even political factors. Every literature is an image and a realistic experience that passes through the contexts of imagination and reflects an aspect of social life with its ability to link the present with the past and consolidate the values ​​of love and goodness. That this world that the writer created is a reality and a recurring image of people who have voluntarily chosen evil as a means to confer acceptance on their actions, and perhaps putting explanations for such massacres make them social and moral issues rather than psychological ones. In the oppressed peoples, before the evil that still threatens their existence and existence. Fear and what results from it are among the topics that have stirred controversy at the present time and which prompts us to address this term in the novel Ghubar, which revealed the face of evil in different faces and for different reasons as well, from the Ottoman and French colonizers to its latent motives in the souls of one people against religious and national minorities as a component The Armenians who spoke about the novel in most of its chapters.




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How to Cite

نعيم عموري د., Mahmood Abdanan Mehdizadeh, D. ., & GHassan saber kadem, R. (2022). A study of the social dimensions in the novel "Dust 1918 AD" by Faten El-Mur. Lark, 14(5), 70-47. https://doi.org/10.31185/lark.Vol4.Iss47.2639