The books of Nawazil and rulings are a source for studying the history of Morocco and Andalusia


  • Assist Professo Abdulla Ali Saud Department of History



Alnawazil, ahkam, nazila, waqiea, al'iijabat, mustajida, ajuba, fatawi, mas'ala, qadia, haditha.


The importance of studying Nawazil is due to the fact that I consider it a source of history and a jurisprudential branch, no matter how distinguished the countries of the Maghreb and Andalusia are Its importance lies in the fact that it helps through it in various aspects of history in the Islamic west, as it contained questions and answers related to various aspects of life at the time, The books of Nawazil are a rich record that preserves important information about social, religious, scientific, urban, economic, political, historical and civil life Other written sources did not address it or it was lost and could not be identified You can refer to it and benefit from the material included in it the fatwa books and Nawazil Which is considered as real value in giving solutions and treatments to many of the inquiries and problems that occurred there.


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How to Cite

Abdulla Ali Saud, A. P. (2022). The books of Nawazil and rulings are a source for studying the history of Morocco and Andalusia. Lark, 14(5), 273-250.