Foreign astronomical terms in the contemporary Arabic language dictionary original study


  • Researcher Wassan Amer Abdullah Jiyad University: Wasit University College: College of Arts
  • Prof. Dr. Karim Mazal Muhammad Al-Lami Wasit University/ College of Arts/ Department of Arabic Language



Urans, telescope, Pluto, Calypso, Neptune, meteor, shuttle.


Every nation has something to be proud of, and this is the case of the Arabs who took pride in their language and were famous for their eloquence and eloquence and tried to preserve their language by sending their children to the desert to preserve the Arabic of their tongue.


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How to Cite

Wassan Amer Abdullah Jiyad, R., & Karim Mazal Muhammad Al-Lami, P. D. (2022). Foreign astronomical terms in the contemporary Arabic language dictionary original study. Lark, 14(5), 249-237.