The Monologue in the Modern Iraqi Novelist Text


  • Researcher Zeinab Sabah Jasem University: Shahid Chamran
  • Assi.Prof. Dr Abass Yadollahi Farsani Shahid Chamran University



Monologue, modern fiction text, narration, receiver, characters


Dialogue is one of the basic narrative elements on which the narrator relies in highlighting the course of events, aAnd revealing the level of awareness of the characters in his novel. It is also one of the aesthetic techniques that contribute to the crystallization of poetic and literary narrative text in general, and the narrative text in particular. Here we can distinguish between the two levels of dialogue; Dialogue Dialogue, Monological Dialogue. The latter, which we have devoted as a topic for study in this research paper. Where we stand with him in the text "The Preference of Night over Day", by addressing the concept of monological dialogue, as a narrative technique of great communicative importance, and the reasons for employing it as a choice only. We also address through this study to determine its formulation within the different linguistic levels, and to show its impact on the positioning of the text's characters. Finally, the research concluded that the narrator in the novel showed the purpose of employing.  The monologue as one of the expressive methods within the creative fictional text. Especially with regard to the direct monologue, which was manifested through the use of the pronoun (me). It becomes clear to us by looking closely at the novel that the novelist created a direct monologue as a means to unveil his novelistic characters. And her desires, tendencies, and psychological disorders that he did not talk about in the novel and did not reveal them publicly.


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How to Cite

Zeinab Sabah Jasem, R., & Abass Yadollahi Farsani , A. D. (2022). The Monologue in the Modern Iraqi Novelist Text. Lark, 14(4), 87-74.