Public Reliance on Social Media in Times of Crisis the Crisis of the Rise in the Exchange rate of the Dollar as Model
dependency, the public, social networking sites, crisesAbstract
This paper explores the extent to which the public relies on social media sites as a source of information during times of crisis (The Crisis of High Dollar Exchange Rate), as well as the cognitive, emotional, and behavioural effects that result from this dependence, with the aim of achieving an understanding of what is going on around them regarding many events and crises, especially the crisis of the high exchange rate of the dollar, and reaching the most important and prominent positions and effects achieved and resulting from that dependence. This paper also seeks to know the motives of the public’s dependence and the extent of social media sites credibility as a source of information for the public at times of crises and to reveal the effects of that dependence. The researcher used the descriptive approach as a method for survey, to collect information and data to analyze and interpret its results and questionnaire is used as the main tool of measurement to collect the research data which uses Baghdad as a place to do this study.To know the government’s position on the crisis of high dollar exchange rate represents one of the most important motives for the public’s dependence on social media sites (Following up the exchange rate of the dollar, which led to a decrease in purchasing power) is one of the most important effects of the public’s dependence on social media sites .
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