The responsibility of the communicator in media and its reflection on the coverage of security events - A field study for the workers of the (Al Sharqiya) and (Alsumaria) channels -
media responsibility, communicator, media coverage, security eventsAbstract
The research aims to identify the motives for the sense of responsibility of workers in media institutions (Al-Sharqya, Al-Sumaria), during their coverage of security events, and their commitment to the ethics of the media competition and the implementation of media policy. The researchers were distributed to a sample of (21) communicators in the (Al Sharqiya) and (Al Sumaria) channels. The researchers reached results according to which the sample’s sense of responsibility varied between seeking to develop skills at one time, adherence to the ethics of media work, assuming responsibility and finding work participants that satisfy the parties of the communication process at other times. He also found that the competition among them is blaming colleagues and feeling annoyed by the failure to cover security events.
Keywords (media responsibility, communicator, media coverage, security events)
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Copyright (c) 2022 Lect. Kholoud Salam Saleh, Assistant Professor Dr. Hussain Dubai Hassan Al-Zwaini
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