Animal Symbolism in Saad Saeed's Kholdologia: An Ideological Reading
The Symbol, The Animal, Novel, The Ideology, Self, The Other.Abstract
The paperattempts to explore, through the significance of animal symbolism, ideological topics, and other topics related to the self-struggle with the other. These topics were exemplified when the novelist overemphasizes the use of the symbols in his novel in a condensed way to transform them into other symbols especially when he examined the Arab folklore about animals, history, and reality in his narrative experimentation. The study investigates many symbols used and the novel and overlooked more to open the space for other scholars to examine. It aims to focus on the main symbols related to the main themes in the novel such as the clash of civilization, the west-east conflict, the relationship between the self and the other, and the relationship of the individual to power. Based on historical facts and political reality, the study concludes how the symbol fabricates its web to bring all the contents of the novel together such as the theme, history, and ideology. Hence, the symbol, based on the metaphoric language equipped, makes all these elements relevant to the artistic structure of the novel and its main themes.
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