Precious stones in Saeb Tabrizi's poetry


  • م. نازك قاسم محمد جامعة بغداد- كلية اللغات




Since ancient times, the people have tended to pay attention to precious stones, they have worked to collecting and retaining them because these stones have a beautiful and natural properties , for this reasons, the artists and craftsmen have made  different and beautiful geometric shapes including the rings, bracelets, necklaces and the most important gemstones are the diamond, sapphire, pearl, emerald, turquoise, coral, agate and there are many more. These precious stones have been mentioned in Saeb Tabriz`s Diwan where his Diwan contains many names of these gemstones. Its mentioned in this research a brief description of the Saeb`s life with the important meaning of the gemstones also it mentioned examples of his own poems about these stones.






Key words: Biography of Saeb - Characteristics of Saeb Poetry - Precious and valuable stones in Saeb's poetry.


- دايرهء المعارف فارسى، به سرپرستى غلامحسين مصاحب، جلد اول(آ- س)،(د. ت).

- دریاگشت: صائب وسبک هندی در گسترهء تحقیقات ادبی، محمد رسول،تهران: قطره،1371.

- ديوان صائب تبريزى، به اهتمام جهانگير منصور، ج1، ج2، چاپ چهارم، مؤسسه انتشارات نگاه، تهران 1383.

- زندگی وشعر شاعران بزرگ ایران، گروه نویسندگان، جلد دوم، تهران: سخن، 1385.






Persian language

How to Cite

نازك قاسم محمد م. (2021). Precious stones in Saeb Tabrizi’s poetry. Lark, 13(4), 1147-1165.