Philosophical Literature at Ibn Sina-story as a Model
Literature, Philosophical, Ibn Sina, Salaman, Bird message, Symbolic Story.Abstract
Interested in this study to reference efforts of Ibn Sina in the field of philosophical literature. He linked literature to philosophy, and he is without a doubt adopted the literary style as a means of presenting aspects of his philosophical ideas in various philosophical subjects of metaphysica, and knowledge and the nature, and Ethics, and politics, and mysticism, furthermore, signal to his position on sharia. He presented three stories, they vary in size and in the quantity of symbolism pictures, and in demo mode too. He made (Hayy Ibn Yaqdhan, Alteer, Salaman and Absal). Hayy Ibn Yaqdhans story was deeply rooted in symbols and signs and difficult words .and then the birds messge (Resalt Alteer) which at the beginning less complicated, and then it goes back to the same complicated style in Hayy's story. The story of Salaman and Absal, although asymbolic story, but its style is less complicated than its predecessors. And these stories, though short size, but the analysis of complexity, if requires a double effort, knowledge, and knowledge of Avicenna's philosophy. The analysis of symbols may not be true if he does not agree with his philosophy that his ideas are display in his other compositions. Accordingly, the scholar of philosophical literature at Ibn Sina is obliged to see his other works, and this is what I did, wishing that I had succeeded even a little in presenting the ideas of a great philosopher like Avicenna.
المصادر والمراجع
أولاً العربية
القرآن الكريم
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