Communication Methods to Deal with Racial Discrimination Issues on Websites Analytical Study for the United Nations Organization Account on Twitter
Racial discrimination , Websites , UN organizationAbstract
The subject of racial discrimination appears on the surface of events from time to time . Where we hear stories that reflect the extent of intolerance and extremism of a certain community against another . Since the United Nations is concerned with dealing such issues . So it has enacted , issued many international laws, charters, covenants and declarations for the purpose of setting governments , peoples before of reality of seriousness of the crime of discrimination and helping them in how to reduce it . So the researcher decided to study this topic ( Racial Discrimination) through this international organization . Where she chose one of her electronic accounts (Twitter) to follow, explore and study the extent and degree of importance of this topic through her tweets on Twitter . Where the researcher raised her research problem about the most important of communication methods were used by the organization to deal with racial discrimination issues on her Twitter account. The researcher used the analytical survey method and the content analysis tool . She prepared a form consisting of six methods to analyze the organization’s posts (tweets) for a period of two months by use monthly comprehensive confining method for months August and September in 2019 . She has reached conclusions , the most important of which is the organization’s interest in the issue of racial discrimination . Where its number outperformed the rest of the topics . Through these results , the researcher concluded that the role of the organization remains a mere as observer role because it does not have the tools to intervene to stop this crime .
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