The methods and process used by the Mamluk authority to prevent revolutions and rebellions (648-923 AH)


  • Assist. Lect. Ali Hossam Abd Ali Wasit University/ College of Arts
  • Prof. Dr. Atta Salman Jassim جامعة واسط كلية التربية



Mamluk authority, political, social, military, the Ottoman Empire.


The process of the Mamluk authority diverse in dealing with the insurrection and revolutions that accompanied their emergence throughout the Mamluk era, but each insurrection or revolution had its own facts, merits, and circumstances, whether they were political, social, economic, religious or military, and the Mamluk sources permitted mentioning the speed up events. Some of them eliminated their order before their occurrence with ease, and this is imperative to the extent of the strength of the security apparatus affiliated to the ruling authority, and some of them have eliminated them through temptations, whether they were fiefs or financial grants, and some are beyond the control of human beings such as natural disasters and the spread of health epidemics, such as the plague and other diseases, and there are those who eliminated it through methods of intimidation and temptation


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How to Cite

Ali Hossam Abd Ali, A. L., & Atta Salman Jassim, P. D. (2022). The methods and process used by the Mamluk authority to prevent revolutions and rebellions (648-923 AH) . Lark, 14(5), 414-401.