Discourse Markers “A Corpus-Based Study of Written Texts by Iraqi ELPT Participants


  • Asst. Prof Mayada R.Eesa الجامعة التكنلوجية مركز اللغة الانكليزية




discourse markers, participants, Electronic English language proficiency Test, written discourse


During the past years, a large number of analyses has been done on what is called discourse markers , which are considered a class of linguistic expressions. Notably, various approaches have been taken, and unsurprisingly various results have been produced as to the theoretical status of discourse markers such as Potts, 2005 or even  Blakemore, 2002.

    In spite of the fact that discourse markers are typically considered as one of the basic characteristics of oral discourse, nowadays it has been also found in written texts. Therefore, the current study introduces a kind of investigation to discourse markers in written language of Iraqi participants in English Language Proficiency Test , henceforth referred to as ELPT . Throughout this study , we ll see how discourse markers have the ability in improving the quality of writing in addition to increasing the conception of text. In current research , there is an attempt to measure the participants' knowledge about Discourse Markers. The aim of this study is to find out whether Iraqi ELPT participants use discourse markers in their writing and how they use them. To justify this aim, an analysis of essays written by ELPT participants was done .


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How to Cite

Mayada R.Eesa, A. P. (2021). Discourse Markers “A Corpus-Based Study of Written Texts by Iraqi ELPT Participants . Lark, 13(2), 1258-1241. https://doi.org/10.31185/lark.Vol2.Iss41.1793