الوظيفة الجمالية للملحقات المسرحية (الأكسسوار) في العرض المسرحي العراقي
Not much has been highlighted on the subject of theatrical accessories and has not been enriched in theory or applied only in contact with some of its apparent aspects, which necessitated the writing of this research.
The study included four chapters. The first chapter dealt with the problem of research and its need, then the importance of the research and its objectives and the limits of the research and identify the most important terms in the research. The second chapter (the theoretical framework) In the first, we discussed the meaning and the characteristics by highlighting the accessory. We took a short historical view first and we learned about the concept of genre in the second play accessories, where there were four main types of accessories.
In the second topic, we addressed the concept of accessories and their relation to the art of directing through the study of theatrical accessories between the mezzanine and the synography, and then the aesthetic value of the accessories in the theatrical presentation, and then we dealt with the accessories between the real and symbolic situation. In the third section we provided the semantic and aesthetic employment of accessories in the theater system And the implications associated with it, and concluded the second chapter of previous studies, and show that there is one previous study on the subject, under the title of the implications of accessories in the Iraqi theater performances, a doctoral thesis of the student Attab Jassim Nassif, and a range of influences The theoretical framework of the most important
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