الخصائص الفنية والجمالية للمشهد الاستهلالي في العرض المسرحي العراقي
الكلمات المفتاحية : المشهد الاستهلالي ، الخصائص الفنية ، الخصائص الجمالية ، العرض المسرحي .Abstract
Theatre is proceeding as social ,intellectual and cultural phenomenon attracts its dimensions due to it is an effective tool for changing the society, and this by launching social relations and common concepts within it , then introducing it in a way that helps to overcome it. The theatre in a way or another is only intensification and focus of reality.it depends on the creative ability of the artist in forming the atristic shape of through its tools which make the beauty , entertainment and psychological treatment. So opening scene was on the most important components in theatrical forming process in order to form the structural , aesthic and artistic creation of the perfect play. Since the opening scene is considered as a start for the play that summarize its thougts , presentations and its treatments in an intensive way make the recipient in a taut and attraction to the play and its subsequent chapters , in this sprint , the pecularity and beauty of this scene will be formed that emanating from thoughts and main propositions to the theatrical text and show alike , for the purpose of aesthetic entertainment and artistic appreciation . Of this the research started establishing for the study subject in its formulation for the titlethen research importance and need for it appeared within lighting on the Artistic and aesthetic characteristics of the opening scene as a new study tackled with an important subject in theatrical show side that effects on the context of the play as a whole, while research goal was represented by
scene within time and place limits, also it contained on research sample of Hamlet , which was chosen intentionally to suit research community in order to achieve research goal, then research tools which is formulated from theaortical part indicators , after adjustment which was made by experts committee with applying processes on it , the tool was derived in its final form . The research persued the descriptive method , since it is suitable for research for nature of research , this chapter was ended by analysing the sample.
The forth chapter contained the results of every play of them are :
The researched refered to some suggestions that help to continue what he has started in develop and deepen this search.
This chapter was ended with the references that were used within this research, then appendicies , that contained research community and tool in its first and final formula . then abstract in English .
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