Drug Trafficking Across the U.S.-Mexico Border 1900-1960


  • Dr Fadel R. AL Aide General Directorate of Wasit Education




Drugs, Trafficking, Borders, Mexico, United States, Opium, Population Density, Cultivation.


The U.S.-Mexico border, the world’s tenth longest, has witnessed various stages shaped by political fluctuations and migration waves. The U.S. experienced a significant influx of immigrants across the Mexican border, creating opportunities for drug trafficking. Historically, the U.S. used drugs as a treatment, notably in the Andes and Latin America, facilitating farmers’ involvement in drug cultivation. Economic problems in Mexico and collaboration between successive Mexican governments and drug traffickers attracted many farmers, negatively impacting American society. The use of cocaine by Chinese and laborers in strenuous jobs facilitated its trade between the two countries, leading to the spread of drug cartels in Mexico.

The harsh, inaccessible desert areas became smuggling routes, with women and children recruited for drug trafficking. Criminal organizations formed political alliances with U.S. border police, contributing to societal corruption. U.S. drug trade restrictions only emerged after 1914 with the Harrison Act imposing taxes on opium and cocaine carriers. The Treasury Department was responsible for drug control and law enforcement before 1930 when the drug control strategy shifted, establishing the Bureau of Narcotics with broad powers, emphasizing drug issues as a national security concern. This approach considered the threat from Mexico, transferring the matter to the League of Nations.


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How to Cite

Fadel R. AL Aide, D. (2023). Drug Trafficking Across the U.S.-Mexico Border 1900-1960. Lark, 16(1). https://doi.org/10.31185/lark.Vol1.Iss52.3370