Investigating Writing Anxiety of Iraqi EFL Senior Secondary School Students


  • Lecturer Qusay Mahdi Mutar Baghdad university
  • Assist lecturer Saad Hassan Hamud Baghdad University / Educational and Psychological Research Center



writing anxiety, Iraqi EFL senior secondary school students, English proficienc


The research aims to determine the level of writing anxiety among Iraqi EFL senior secondary school students and whether there is a statistically significant difference between male and female students experiencing writing anxiety. Furthermore, the research aims to identify if there is a significant difference between low and high-proficient students in terms of writing anxiety, as well as to identify the type of correlation between students' proficiency and writing anxiety. A group of (160) male and female sixth-grade students were selected randomly from four public secondary schools as the study sample. A 3-point Likert scale of (20) items designed by Cheng (2004) ranging from “true of me” to never true of me” was employed as an instrument to collect the required data. S.P.S.S. software version (23) was used to analyze the collected data: One-Sample Test, An independent sample t-test, and a Pearson product-moment correlation. The findings of the study revealed that Iraqi EFL senior secondary school students experience writing anxiety positively with a moderate level through the process of learning English. There is no statistically significant difference between male and female students in experiencing writing anxiety. There is no significant difference between low and high-proficient students in terms of writing anxiety. Finally, the findings disclosed a negative correlation (r= -.012-) between students' proficiency and writing anxiety; it implies that the less proficiency a student has in a foreign language, the more writing anxiety a student experiences.


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west languages

How to Cite

Qusay Mahdi Mutar, L., & Saad Hassan Hamud, A. lecturer. (2023). Investigating Writing Anxiety of Iraqi EFL Senior Secondary School Students. Lark, 16(1), 950-911.